Page 10 - Media kit 2021 - Food Ingredients Brasil
P. 10

Through the Food Ingredients Brasil Newsletter, it was practical and easy to stay informed. The frequency is weekly (every Wednesday) and the sending is to 31,500 contacts.
There are several options, just choose!
  Featured Headline
News with photo of the product, link to the website, with 800 visible characters. Value: 1,205 (Per edition).
  Central Banner 600 x 220 px
Value: US$ 1,104 .
News with reduced product photo, link to the website, with 400 visible characters.
Value: US$ 950 (Per edition).
       Footer Advertisement 264px x 172px
Value: US$ 891 (Per edition).
 *All prices are in US Dollars.
10 FiB - Food Ingredientes Brasil

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